Harry potter Bertie Borrs Jelly Beans! Have you heard of them? Its a disgusting treat, let me tell you why. What people call "wild flavors" consists of Earwax, bacon, dirt, spinach, grass, booger, sardine, black pepper, rotten egg, earthworm, soap, spaghetti, and every ones favorite vomit!
Only leaving 8 flavors that "normal taste buds" would like, blueberry, buttered popcorn, cherry, cinnamon, grape jelly, lemon drop,toasted marshmallow,and tutti-fruity.
Only leaving 8 flavors that "normal taste buds" would like, blueberry, buttered popcorn, cherry, cinnamon, grape jelly, lemon drop,toasted marshmallow,and tutti-fruity.
I found out about this nasty candy when I bought a box of Harry Potter Jelly Beans at the movie theatre. Of course the theatre was dark and my movie was about to start. I then began to eat my jelly beans, when I bit into my third jelly bean it was horrible I had picked the vomit. I ran to the bathroom to spit it out. I missed half of my movie because of that candy.
Don't buy Harry Potter Bertie Borrs Jelly beans!