Ever arrive at the climax of a funny story, only to have the momentum ruined by “Sorry, I gotta take this?" Why is the disembodied voice of someone else more important than the flesh and blood standing before you?It’s very frustrating to stand around waiting while your “friend,”or date, or gets into a phone conversation on your time.
Loud much?“YES!WE CAN HEAR YOU NOW!” For some bizarre reason people feel the need to raise their voices while on their phones. I think we’ve come far enough, technologically speaking,Your mouth couldn’t physically be any closer to the phone, so unless you’re calling in an air strike while under heavy machine gun fire, there’s no need to yell.
Private conversations
No one needs to hear how wasted you were last night, or what color your boyfriend’s boxers were on the night the two of you, um, “played Scrabble.” Keep your personal conversations personal. If you don’t want people to see you crying in line at the bank or while ordering a stuffed-crust pizza, refrain from having emotional conversations in public. Offer to call the person back, step outside, or find a quiet place where you can openly and unabashedly describe your new foot fungus.